Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Message from Mark G Auerbach Public Relations

March 17, 2020

A Message from Mark G Auerbach Public Relations

It’s definitely a time of uncertainty and a radical change in “business as usual”. As our world somersaults, my top priority has been to protect my team. Thankfully, we have no events scheduled until later in the Spring, so my valued people, who work remotely, anyway, are not being put in harm’s way with meetings and travel and events with crowds. I am doing my best to make sure I don’t have to proceed with lay-offs at this time.

My other priority is our clients, all of whom have obstacles ahead. Most of my clients are non-profits or individual musicians, artists, and authors who are extremely vulnerable. Others are producers of performances, who are experiencing cancellations and postponements.

My first piece of advice: remain in touch with your audience. Let them know that you’re concerned for them; assure them that you will do your best to provide service to them through this time. Be pro-active. Social media is a great means to do this, as are e-blasts. One client, The Capitol Steps, has a new banner on their website, linking people to their performance schedule. It lists which shows are cancelled, which are postponed, etc and gives folks information on new performance dates, where to get refunds, etc. Their social media presence provides similar information, as well as posts linking people to their YouTube channel and some “oldies”
Utilize technology like Skype or FaceTime for videoconferencing, Google Suite’s hangouts or a host of free teleconferencing platforms to stay in touch.
Social media makes sense. With more people sequestered at home, they’ll be spending more time online. Rethink your media strategies. Vermont Public Radio offered its underwriters an opportunity to recraft their on-air messages on short notice—to note change in hours, and times, and they’ve provided bonus mentions to current and new underwriters to help them get the word out. Other media sources might do likewise.

In the meantime, my ArtsBeat column in Westfield News may be leaner, because so many events are cancelled/postponed, but ArtsBeat Radio/TV goes on as scheduled. We’d pre-taped several programs, and with upcoming programs, we’ll switch to phone interviews. Studio 120 is being cleaned and sanitized regularly, and with no guests and crowds in-studio, should be safe.
If anyone needs to brainstorm, we’re ready to help.

Stay safe.

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